1984_3rd Period

The Party

  • The class system can't survive while the lower classes are educated and know that they aren't receiving all the wealth, so the upper classes make sure that the people beneath them are ignorant.
  • If the lower class is prevented from receiving the goods that the country produces, they wont revolt. However, in a society that keeps producing goods, they need a way to get rid of these excess products. By creating a society in a continuous war, they can say the goods are going towards the war.
  • The party has war constantly to consume the surplus amount of supplies so that it seems natural that a small number of people are in power.
  • A constant state of war enables the Party to shape the people of Oceania. War means that the citizens are always in fear of the opposing country, the enemy, and also need the government to protect them and to run the war. If the people trust the Party in this way, then they are shaped into ignorance, always relying on what the Party tells them. Those within the Outer Party remain ignorant through doublethink, which loses the meaning of 'Ingsoc' through the translation. Although the government has many ways to destroy the items being produced, war also creates a psychological hold on the Oceania citizens as well.
  • The two aims are to conquer the world and to extinguish all independent thought. The Party's two problems are to discover what people are thinking and to invent weapons to kill a hundred million people in a few seconds. They have employed psychologists to study facial expressions and tones of voice, while secret bases across the world are trying to invent weapons to solve their problems.