1984_3rd Period

Big Brother and the Inner Party

Q: What is the abolition of private property under Ingsoc and how does it make inequality permanent?
A: The abolition of private property under Ingsoc meant that individually no member of the party owns anything at all except personally belongings. This makes inequality permanent because now the people of the Inner Party have access to so much more then the people of the party in general, letting them overpower the other party members.

Q:What are four ways in which a ruling class can fall from power and why don't any of them pose a threat to Big Brother?
A:   1. it is conquered from without
       2. it governs so inefficiently that the masses are stirred to revolt
       3. it allows a strong and discontented middle group to come into being
       4. it looses its own self confidence and willingness to govern
Q: Who/what is Big Brother and how is the rest of society organized?
A: Big Brother is the guise in which the party chooses to exhibit to the world. The Inner Party is two percent of the population and is the brain. While the Outer Party is 13 percent and are considered the hands. The proles take up 85 of the population and are the "dumb masses".

Q: Who gets to be in the Inner Party and how do they get it?  
A: Admition to either branch is by examination taken at age 16, it is not hereditary and there is no racial discrimination.

Q: How closely do the thought police monitor different groups within society and why?
A: People in the proles are rarely monitored, people in the Outer Party get supervised heavily and constantly, and the people in the Inner Party are watched on and off and have some control over when and where. The levels of how closely people are "controlled" relies on how much of a threat they pose, the more of a threat the more they are monitored.