1984_3rd Period

The Atomic Bomb

Under Big Brother, the governments of Eurasia, Oceania and Eastasia are permanently at war, but it is a warfare of limited aims between combatants who are unable to destroy one another. Also none of the three superstates could be definitly conquered even by the other two in combination. They are too evenly matched, and their natural defenses are too formidable.
But in the 1950's a lot of atomic bombs were dropped all around the world and destroyed, killed many of lives. So then, the three superstates realized that they could all kill each other but decided no to do it; and instead agreed to keep their bombs but never to use them.

The Three Superstates

Cultural integrity is the reason why the large superpowers never take over large amounts of land. The superpowers say that if they take over a large region, they would either have to teach the people their language, customs, etc or kill them all. Since assimilating the citizens would be far too much work and wiping out the population is "too cruel", they superpowers don't ever take over large important regions. Instead the powers trade small lands back and forth from each other to maintain their cultural integrity. All three superpowers are following the same strategy. Their plan is to form a friendship treaty with an opposing power to lill them to sleep, or to ease all their suspicions. When their "ally" feels safe, the superpower secretly sets up many bases surround their ally, which allows them to strike and attack and violently destroy the superpower. Goldstein states that this plan could never possibly happen and is just a story to tell the citizens. In reality no invasion of the enemy's territory is ever undertaken.

War is Peace?

War is something the party is very familiar with, so much so that the idea of peace has long diapered. Where as most would consider peace the norm in its long absence the people of the world have forgotten it. The three super states are constantly fighting but never move towards the lands of its enemy, they realize that they cannot control their enemies people so they can never win the fight. Now they area no longer fighting a war but simply using the other states as a crutch. They place there full effort on the war which leaves the people nothing else to do but take up there time and resources. With all these efforts the separate states are all self dependent within there own boundaries meaning that even in peace nothing would change between the powers.